THE PURGE: Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy
What is the lymphatic system?
The lymph system is a system of vessels that rids the body of waste. This vital system is responsible for picking up cell waste and filtering, cleaning and expelling excess fluids, proteins, bacteria and viruses from the spaces between the cells. The lymph system is comprised of delicate vessels and nodes.
The lymph nodes act as checkpoints or dumping stations for the waste that the system collects. The nodes then filter the fluids (lymph) and serve as the home of the lymphocytes, strong cells that attack and destroy foreign bacteria and abnormal cells (like cancer cells).
Any remaining waste is then carried into the bloodstream where it can be flushed out of the body. When we are healthy, function of this system is stimulated through our breath and everyday muscle movement.
This complex system is a vital part of the immune system. When it is working properly, we feel healthy and have strong defenses against toxins, bacteria and illness. When it is slow, blocked or fatigued, (during times of great stress, post-surgery, post-injury, etc.) we can feel tired, more susceptible to illness, disease, infection and swelling.
Why do I need MLD?
The body’s lymphatic system is designed to naturally and automatically eliminate wastes. However, when the system is improperly functioning due to surgery, cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, medication, post-mastectomy, joint replacement, orthopedic procedures or cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries, the lymph vessels can become overwhelmed from the demand placed on them and can cause lymphedema (painful swelling and buildup of fluid and toxins in the lymphatic system).
Lymphatic drainage massage can help repair and restore the systems natural function by manually and gently stimulating the lymph and draining waste and toxins from the body.
What are the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage?
Manual lymphatic drainage can:
-Reduce stress and encourage relaxation
-Improve overall health and well-being
-Support a healthy immune system
-Reduce inflammation
-Facilitate faster healing
-Fend off infection
-Aid in rehabilitation after an injury
-Reduce scar tissue and adhesion formation
MLD for Cosmetic Procedures
Some cosmetic procedures such as liposuction and tummy tucks can disrupt the natural pathways taken by the lymph system because of the location of the surgery. Other surgeries that can impact the face such as rhinoplasty can cause swelling that can last up to a year.
MLD pre and post cosmetic/reconstructive surgery can lessen bruising, reduce edema, manage pain (resulting in less medication), inhibit formation of scar tissue and prevent infection.
MLD for Orthopedic Surgery, Joint Replacements, Lymph Node Removal
Joint replacement and orthopedic surgeries can create swelling and limit range of motion. Surgeries removing lymph nodes such as breast cancer surgery can cause limbs on the affected side to swell.
MLD can improve the surgical outcome and speed of recovery and minimize a patient’s downtime and discomfort.
MLD for Other Issues
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers often cannot handle the pressure of traditional massages and MLD is a gentle form of bodywork that can help restore immune function and improve vitality.
MLD can benefit almost everyone. If you feel tired, or low on energy, if you’ve been sick our just feel out of balance, MLD therapy is likely to get you back on track to good health and strong immunity.
Who can benefit from MLD?
-Anyone tired or low on energy
-Anyone recovering from an illness
-Orthopedic surgery patients
-Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery patients
-Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue sufferers
-Cancer and mastectomy patients
-Anyone experiencing lymphedema
-People with lupus
-Pregnant women experiencing swelling
-Breastfeeding moms
-Fibromyalgia sufferers
(Please Note: This service is best done in a series. The specific condition for which you are seeking out lymphatic drainage massage will determine the frequency and number of sessions needed to achieve maximum results. Call for a consultation to determine what will be best for your particular needs.)
SINGLE 80 Minute Session $140